Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Wu Xing

    The 5 Elements

Here is the set of paintings. They are 10"x18" ea.

 Each piece I spent countless hours really trying to understand each element and how it relates to us and the world. Without getting too much into the dogma of geomancy and astrology and getting to the point of understanding through my owns means. Each painting has the chinese character for the element it represents.

Each one of us has a dominant element and depending how strong it is or you are in that element it may need to be counterbalanced by another element. It is a cycle. Each element is said to control,regulate another(Sheng cycle). As well as destroys(Ke cycle).

Generates Fire, Controls Earth,Insults metal

      Generates earth, Controls metal, Insults water

       Generates metal, Controls water, Insults wood

Generates water, Controls wood, Insults fire

Generates wood, Contols fire, Insults earth

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Recent paintings


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Art projects

Lately I have been working on several art projects.

This is my tribute to Singapore. The Merlion
Painted in Modern Master Metallics. Theres about 6 different metallic golds and coppers

 Playing around making some models of rockwork and scenery.

I've been doing alot of small sculptures as well. Heres a Buddha-Head cement piece I was working on.

and a 2 ft tall seahorse in clay

I became really interested into Chinese Geomancy. The study of the Wu Xing also known as the 5 elements.
It is used in Chinese Medicine, Feng Shui as well as martial arts. I am now finishing up the last painting but here's a sneak peak.

Jing, also known as the Metal element

Tuesday, August 10, 2010